
Showing posts from January, 2012

As of January 7...


January 2

We read our respective blogs from the beginning of last year to measure their breadth, to see how the year began & think about where it ended. Suffice it to say, our happiness & our rootedness have both continued in their exponential increases, & this New Year’s Day finds my heart at brimming, my enthusiasms all engaged, my life in general pitched at a ludicrously & wonderfully fine height that I would scarcely believe but for the fact of its daily living. It happens with considerable regularity that I will of a sudden take stock of our endeavors here, or our love, or our property & its plans, or a team of dogs, or the painted alpenglow on Pyramid Mountain, & I am left breathless at where I’ve ended up & who I’ve become in the process. There is novelty in each slow dawn, richness in the most mundane of things. I love viscerally here. What a thing. I brought in the new year with a twelve mile run on the 31st in -10, windy Palmer, along the Knik River. I follo