July 1

A full day live on radio at work, & fodder for a humming head, with a car versus moose promptly at 6:00 this morning & a search & rescue upon leaving at 4:30 this afternoon. & afterwards, a run clapping through the bear-dense woods on a gravel trail & then up the hill roadside a couple steep miles. Pasta. Baked a small batch of coconut & chocolate chip cookies. Talked shop with Roy. I am always talking shop with Roy.

I am adjusting slowly to a schedule that permits a 4:30 am alarm without either shock or violent anger as its immediate response. That it is always light out helps convince me in the morning, when a fine chill lingers in the air, but it’s difficult turning in to sleep at nine when the sun blazes still above the trees, when its light casts the mountain in daylight rather than alpenglow. A strange place to take a troubled heart, the always-light. But then, where else.


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