October 4

As you have likely noticed, I have been neglecting this site for some time. Upon its conception, my intention was to write for one year, with full accountability & candor, about the texture of my days, that my recollections could find evidence, my heart sympathies in casting back over these catenary hours strung slipshod Denver to Alaska. Clearly, a year ago I could not fathom the path that led me here. I could not have imagined that swift flame of Orcas, the rending pain of its forfeit in our decision to take a break. The wilderness of this place, the solitude it has bred, the growth it has fostered-- even still, these are barely comprehensible to me, but as I say, at least I have now record of those vicissitudes in their ebb & flow. A year of such rich torsion, such gentle violence, rupture & connect. A year of wonderment.

& so I have decided now to turn my attentions to other endeavors, to let the mundane translate itself beyond this one stuttering voice into something new. I may return to posting here, if only out of habitual sway. In the meantime, there are a few new pictures up at flickr. To those four or five of you who have been reading, I thank you sincerely for so doing; my erstwhile loneliness thanks you too for company. Be in touch.


Anonymous said…
always will comments want to come from my heart & mouth. i love you.

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