October 14

Winter like a fledgling, the first tenuous flakes of snow sheening us here, the first intimations of real chill. & already, those last vestiges of autumn covered over, subsumed in the gloaming. Winterlight. Winterdusk. Winterdawn. They are their own things entire, & inexplicably, profoundly beautiful up here.

& an odd time for me personally, stepping into the season that so drastically came to alter me last year. I feel the visceral memory in me yet, the quiet, the patience. & then look up to see my heart content this time around, joyful, present. All of those months last year when in the yawning silence it was only my own feeble whisper I could hear. & startled, then, at the sound of it, the little, fragile thing. A bird’s tiny bone. I think on what endures, on what is yet extant from that long season, & suppose what remains somehow sacred & central. From that beehive that murmured once & then fell resoundingly quiet, the small flame at the center batting off shadow. A me in me to recognize, to foster as a familiar. How curious, this life. How curious that I am here, here at all.

My life, whatever it will entail, will owe a debt to last winter’s sea changes. Pupil before a loneliness & a kenning heartache, I learned in a winter what I could not the lifetime prior, & my gratitude for it is ineffable. So slowed, attenuated to something dear. Well, to the snow, then.


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